Markdown Journal creates journal files using pre-set default headings. These headings can be seen in the image below:
These headings are added automatically as you write your entries. They have following names:
- marked in blue is added at the start of a new document.daily_heading
- marked in green is added at the start of a new daytimestamp
- marked in pink is attached to every entryYou can redefine these headings using a config file.
To create a new config file simply put a file named config.yml
in the same Dropbox
folder as your journal entries like this:
The contents of the file should be valid YAML syntax and include an entry for each heading:
The values should follow the formating guidelines for the Ruby strftime method.
If you change the config file in the middle of the day, it could cause the
to get re-inserted into the file at the next entry.
You can use the following symbols in the config file:
Value | Explanation |
%Y | 4 digit year (eg. 2013) |
%y | 2 digit year (74, 98, etc..) |
%m | Month number, zero padded (01-12) |
%B | Full month name (January) |
%b | Abbreviated month name (Jan) |
%b | Abbreviated month name (Jan) |
%d | Day of the month, zero padded (01-31) |
%e | Day of the month, blank padded ( 1-31) |
%H | Hour, 24hr format, zero padded (00-23) |
%k | Hour, 24hr format, blank padded ( 0-23) |
%I | Hour, 12hr format, zero padded (01-12) |
%i | Hour, 12hr format, blank padded ( 1-12) |
%P | Meridian, lowercase (am, pm) |
%p | Meridian, uppercase (AM, PM) |
%M | Minutes, zero padded (00-59) |
%S | Seconds, zero padded (00-59) |
%L | Milliseconds, zero padded (000-999) |
%A | Weekday, full name (Monday) |
%a | Weekday, abbreviated (Mon) |
%D | Short date (02/28/13) |
%F | ISO 8601 date (2013-02-28) |
%r | 12 hour time with seconds (01:30:10 PM) |
%R | 24 hour time without seconds (13:30) |
%T | 24 hour time with seconds (13:30:10) |
You can also set your timezone using a timezone
setting. The timezone accepts
values like:
Full list of acceptable values is located here.
You can combine the listed symbols to create any heading you want. Note that you
can add formating characters between these symbols for example you could try keeping
your config.yml
very simple:
document_heading: %Y-%m daily_heading: %d timestamp: %R
This would yield a very minimalistic Journal style:
Alternatively, you could get very fancy:
document_heading: Journal Entries for %B of %Y daily_heading: Notes for %A, %e timestamp: Posted at %r
This would likely look something like this:
To change the time zone, simply include it in config.yaml
like this:
timezone: America/Los_Angeles
If you only wish to change the timezone
setting, you don't have to redefine the headings.
Just skip them entirely if you wish.
If the timezone
setting is not one of the
recognized values then Markdown Journal
will fall back on using Eastern Standard time.
If you are currently using a config file, please note that the time zone strings have recently changed. If you are using
a string such as Eastern Time (US & Canada) please change it to America/New_York
to avoid problems.
To reset your headings back to the default, simply delete the
file from your dropbox folder.
Please be aware that this may cause the daily_heading
to be re-inserted into your file next time you post
an entry. Simply delete it manually.